Må en selv-stående putter bruges som hjælp til opstilling og retningsmåling ved at placere putteren lige bagved eller ved siden af det punkt, hvor bolden kom til at ligge stille?

A: Ja. Det ville have været forbudt efter 10.2b(3). Men som en undtagelse er det tilladt indtil 1. januar 2025, da R&As/USGA’s Udstyrsregler endnu ikke har nået et tage højde for denne type kølle i denne sammenhæng.

Den engelske tekst:
10.2b(3)/2 – Delay of Implementation for Certain Uses of Self-Standing Putters
A two-year delay of implementation in relation to certain uses of self-standing putters under Rule 10.2b(3) is in effect as follows:

  • Until January 1, 2025, a player may use a self-standing putter by setting it down right behind or right next to the spot on which the ball came to rest to help aim or to take a stance or position their feet.
  • From January 1, 2025, Rule 10.2b(3) will apply to self-standing putters and the acts described in the previous paragraph will no longer be allowed. But a player will still be allowed to use a selfstanding putter that conforms to the Rules to make a stroke or take other actions allowed by theRules.

(Added December 2022)