Regel 10.2b(3) tillader ikke at et objekt placeres for at hjælpe med at indtage sin stance.

MEN ifølge Fortolkning 10.2b(3)/1 udelukker det ikke: “a player from setting his or her clubhead behind the ball, such as when a player stands behind the ball and places the clubhead perpendicular to the line of play and then walks around from behind the ball to take his or her stance.”

Inkluderer denne undtagelse, at spilleren ikke placerer putteren vinkelret (perpendicular) på spillelinjen, men i stedet med spidsen af putterhovedet pegende mod hullet, inden stancen indtages?

A: Ja.
Fortolkning 10.2b(3)/1 tillader, at en putter placeres bag bolden, inden stancen indtages, uanset om spidsen putterhovedet eller slagfladen peger mod flaget.